Group Classes

Creating a New Baseline

This class will give you the tools to level up every aspect of your life. Content will cover intention setting, HeartMath, and my Basement to the Balcony process. Creating change is not about mindset, it’s about changing your physiology to support expansion into the life that you desire. Contact me to receive notifications of the next group class and/or the launch of the online course.

SPIRIT- Intention setting shifts energy and activates the subconscious, opening doors in the physical realm.

BODY- HeartMath tools are scientifically supported micro practices designed to transform your physiology; increasing feelings of well-being AND physical and cognitive functioning.

MIND-Basement to the Balcony helps you hone in on what you do well, what it feels like when your nervous system is regulated, and how to attune to the most subtle signs of dysregulation- so that you can shift before the shit hits the fan!

As you can see, this is an integrated approach to transformation, and this shit works! This is a beginner HeartMath class but is also open to those more well-versed in HeartMath, and it won’t be boring or redundant. Previous participants have used the class to:

  • set new personal records in weightlifting after an extended period of experiencing a plateau

  • create new relational dynamics with family members

  • reprogram stress responses related to high-pressure careers